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Six Vertical Landscapes

1. Missouri: Little Tarkio Creek, 40°02'48.6"N 95°19'27.1"W

2. Nebraska: North Platte River. 41°43'47.6"N 103°19'26.2"W

"Scholarship, stories, and knowledge often frame Native peoples in relation to the past, stemming from accepted notions of linear time and existence. Indigenous scholars continue to make visible this problematic colonial narrative [...] Erasure of native peoples in America has been, and continues to be, enacted through willful selective amnesia of history and by simultaneously claiming Native histories as part of American identity."

Phenocia Bauerle, “Mapping Our World,” Aspáalooke Women and Warriors, The Neubaur Collegium for Culture and Society (Chicago, 2020), 13. 

3. Wyoming: Big Sandy River. 42°06'29.4"N 109°27'05.6"W

4. Idaho: Portneuf, 42°37'14.9"N 112°00'23.3"W

5. Idaho: Almo Pluton, 42° 04’ 12” N 113° 42’ 45” W 

6. Nevada: Carson River, 39°14'12.2"N 119°35'16.2"W